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Kim Jarvis: Bloodsucker

In just two minutes and seventeen seconds Kim Jarvis’s debut single Bloodsucker has more impact than songs two or three times the length....


– Derby alt-rockers Verona take me back to being fifteen, at the height of my edgy phase. With influences like You Me At Six apparent in...

On Donald Trump, Brexit and Punk Rock

“Donald Trump will signal the re-birth of punk rock”. I’m not sure where I heard that but I do however remember when I heard it, the day...

Sunlight For Honey

Coming straight out of the Cambridge rock scene with their debut album, Sunlight for Honey hit it out of the park with So Much for the...

Needs More Cowbell?

Greetings! Welcome to the first post on my new blog. This is the centre for all things musical, with a focus on punk music and lifestyle....

Blog: Blog2
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